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2023 Annual Report


people and families served

towns represented

dedicated team members

Who is RFK Community Alliance

Through a variety of programs, we provide high-quality, individualized care and support to people and families of all ages who are facing complicated challenges.

We recognize the importance of an individualized approach that considers the whole person in context and embraces possibility: everyone has strengths and potential.

With an emphasis on collaboration, evidence-based practices, and trauma-informed care, our experienced staff help those we serve overcome adversity and develop abilities, resilience, relationships, and achieve positive outcomes.

A Note from Michael and Jim

President & CEO and Board Chair


As we reflect on the past year, we are filled with awe and gratitude for the remarkable progress we’ve achieved together. It’s been a year defined by advancements in program quality, organizational structure, and culture. Equally, we are energized by our strategic planning work that looks towards the future and provides a vision and road map through 2027.

We maintained our commitment to providing high-quality and impactful services to the people and families who turn to RFK Community Alliance for services and support. We continued to invest in current programs, while building new ones to serve more people who need our expertise and compassionate care.

We welcomed or elevated several executive leaders who are now well-established in their roles. Cindy Wing, our Chief Operating Officer, led us in enhancing our leadership structure and organization-wide communications through developing a cohesive and informed Senior Operations Team who meet regularly to discuss important topics impacting programming and agency culture.

Whether it was at our successful Embracing the Legacy celebration, our Black History Month gathering, the Doctor Franklin Perkins School’s Recognition Day, or at many different holiday celebrations across our divisions, we enjoyed gathering and celebrating with so many of you this year.

Lastly, we are energized to be publicly sharing our strategic planning work and would welcome your thoughts and feedback. But most of all, we are grateful to our incredible community for your support and advocacy for our work.

With gratitude,

Michael W. Ames, PhD (he/him), President and CEO
Jim Geraghty
(he/him), Board Chair

Our remarkable


Michael W. Ames, PhD (he/him)
President and CEO

David Libby, MS, MBA (he/him)
Chief Financial Officer

Derek Padon (he/him)
Senior Vice President of Human Resources

Jessica Pepple, EdD, EdS, MBA (she/her)
Chief Diversity and Culture Officer

Tracy Tallman (she/her)
Chief of Staff

Cindy M. Wing, MEd (she/her)
Chief Operating Officer

Steven D. Young (he/him)
Senior Vice President of Facilities & Technology

Executive Director Emeritus
Charles P. Conroy, EdD

This list represents the current list of Executive Leadership. We’re also thankful to Felicia Riffelmacher, Lisa Harrington, and Jeffrey Solomon for their Executive Leadership service in FY23.

Our dedicated


Jim Geraghty, Chair
Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management

Keith P. Carroll, Esq., Vice-Chair

Holland & Knight

Donald A. Lowe, Treasurer

Town of Bolton

Penny Outlaw, Secretary

Suzanne M. Frisch, Esq., Immediate Past Chair
U.S. District Court (Worcester)

Michael W. Ames, PhD, President

RFK Community Alliance

John J. Boyle III

Cushman & Wakefield

Jason Burrell, Esq.

Kirkland & Ellis LLP

Emma Carpenter


Michael F. Connolly, Esq.

Rubin and Rudman LLP

Jennifer L. Flanagan, MS
Vicente Sederberg LLP

Hon. Leslie E. Harris, ret.

Juvenile Court Judge, Retired

Dana M. Hollinshead, PhD

Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect

Charles W. Hughes II, MA
Road to College, Inc.

Marc J. Jones, Esq.

Joseph P. Kennedy III

Former Congressman

Matthew Kennedy

Kennedy Merchant Partners

James B. Leary, Esq.

UMass Memorial Health

Carol Francolini Mueller

Philip J. Muscatello, MBA

Adtech Systems, LLC

Beatrice M. Oakley

Stephen H. Peck

Brown & Brown of Massachusetts

Mary Ritter

Fallon Health

Peter R. Stanton

Worcester Business Journal

Bob Watson

LPM Holding Company, Inc.

Linda Williams

Retired, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

Board Chair Emeritus

Philip W. Johnston

Trustees Emeritus

Martha Bayles
Edwin L. Coward
Ann M. Kelly
Robert L. Mahar

2023 Highlights

We released a bold and impactful strategic plan and vision for the next 5 years

We served 23% more youth and young adults through our Community Services division

8 programs hosted successful licensing reviews and 2 programs were re-accredited

Team members were offered 307 different trainings; on average, 82% reported their knowledge and skills increased as a result

Dr. Franklin Perkins School was awarded a MA FRESH grant, which they’ve used to expand healthy eating and on-site food production

Adventure education was a hit; our minibike program served 45 youth and our Fly Zone ropes course served 130 youth

We hosted 564 people and raised $894,000 at our fundraising events throughout the year

Adult Vocational program participants worked 37% more hours on average compared to last year

79 team members were recognized for their contributions as part of our bi-annual staff appreciation

The Road Ahead 2023-2027

This past year, we proudly crafted a road map and vision for what’s ahead, our 2023-2027 Strategic Plan. A committee of our Trustees, chaired by Marc Jones, and a core team of senior staff members, including President and CEO Michael W. Ames, worked together with Cheryl Lower as our consultant to create the plan and bring countless other perspectives in along the way.

Our bold vision for the future is that by 2027, we will deepen our impact, expanding programming to meet unmet needs for the individuals and communities we currently serve and to reach some new individuals and communities who need us.

We will do so by being—and being known as—expert in the work we do. And we will do so by being—and being known as—a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace with an outstanding culture where all who work with us feel like they can excel and grow in their careers.

Marc Jones, a longtime Board Member, who helped steer the plan’s creation, shared his excitement about the process and the final plan: “Over a hundred people from a variety of perspectives internal and external contributed to making this plan what it is, and it was a joy to get to know as many as I did. This plan is truly a reminder that our work was created to honor Robert F. Kennedy’s values. It ensures that we will grow to meet the great need for our services that exists right now, just as RFK did in his time.” 

Read the Plan

Updates from our Programs



Bright Futures Adoption Center is heading into 2024 with celebratory energy as we celebrate our 25th year. We are proud to have participated in creating over 400 families since 1999. We are also proud that this past year, we helped to find a permanent placement for a sibling group of four children, allowing these children to grow up together, forever!

By The Numbers

  • Participated in placing 8 infants.

  • Helped 19 children living in foster care find permanent homes.

  • Trained 35 families seeking to adopt from foster care.

  • Welcomed 15 new BIPOC adoptive families.

  • Wrote 281 child and family assessments for the MA DCF to help children achieve permanency.

  • Connected with 57 birth and adoptive families during our annual events.

Adult Services


Aaron Fill joined RFK Community Alliance as VP of Adult Services, filling big shoes after longtime leader, Linda Alger, retired. We re-opened the Clinton, MA Adult Services coffee, treats, and craft shop, The Perk, a vocational opportunity for our adults and an engagement opportunity for the local community and families. We collaborated with the Department of Developmental Services to expand our residential programming so that we can better serve residents who require complex medical care.

By The Numbers

  • 77 adults participated in our programming, 14 of whom reside with us.

  • 71 adults participated in vocational services.

  • 10 adults lived in Davis Manor, our assisted living program.

  • Collectively, program participants worked 7,802 hours in paid work.

Behavioral Health


Dianne Walsh, VP of Clinical Services, led the organization in providing group supervision and training for clinicians across the organization and supporting all teams -even non-clinical teams- in providing clinically-informed services. Our Center for Behavioral Health (CBH) clinicians continued to support children, youth, adults, and families on site at CBH in Lancaster, as well as during school hours at Clinton Elementary, Middle, and High Schools, and Nashoba Regional High School. In 2024, CBH will celebrate it’s 20th year of operation, continuing to meet local needs while setting the stage for future growth.

By The Numbers

  • 254 people received services through The Center for Behavioral Health.

  • 7,500 mental health sessions provided across programs.

  • 1/2 of CBH clients have trauma or stress related disorders.

Community Services

Achievement in Motion Mentoring (AIM) has served 14 young adults since its inception in 2022, working to create a stable future and help them graduate from high school or its equivalency. Several workshops were held for youth that included financial literacy education, healthy relationships, and self-care. Many youth earned financial incentives for reaching goals, including engaging with program activities, developing health goals, gaining employment, and graduating high school.

COASA (Children of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse)
had a wonderful year of programming, bringing together children and families affected by substance abuse and alcoholism through events like ice skating, an educational film series, a cookout, and a week of Camp COASA.

The Detention Diversion Advocacy Program (DDAP) served 84 youth, 31% more than last year. Program participants received mentoring and legal assistance, and support in accessing services like mental health treatment, employment, education, financial literacy, and housing. Importantly, at 90-days post-discharge, 100% of graduates had no new delinquency charges. DDAP Suffolk County also held their first annual resource fair in April of 2023 at the Franklin Park Zoo.

Legacy Mentoring (Legacy)
, already serving Hampden County, added a mentor to serve Berkshire County this year as a result of new funding. The program served 50 youth experiencing or are at-risk of becoming commercially sexually exploited, an 11 % increase from last year. In addition to engaging widely in the community, the Legacy team presented on a panel with Baystate Advocacy Center in recognition of Human Trafficking month in January of 2024 as part of their commitment to bring increased education and awareness of CSEC along with enhancing provider connections. In 2024, Legacy Mentoring is celebrating it’s 5th year of operations.

Rein in a Dream Therapeutic Horsemanship Program (RIAD) provided services to 119 people, 73 of whom were enrolled in RFK Community Alliance programs and 46 of whom were from the community. Services included equine- and animal-assisted therapy, job-skills development, and clinical services. In 2024, RIAD is celebrating it’s 35th year of operations.

The Young Adult Supported Living Program (YASL)
has served 11 adults since its inception in 2022, supporting young adults transitioning out of foster care to live independently in both Western and Central Massachusetts. In addition to providing cost-free housing, we offer case management, life-skills training, and experiential learning in conjunction with the MA Department of Children and Families to ensure stable futures. We continue to see a high number of referrals for this relatively new program. This year, we hosted holiday events, clinical workshops, team building events, and art presentations to promote community and build teamwork.

Early Education and Care


In 2023, the Child Development Center celebrated its 15th year of operations, was re-accredited by NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) and passed their annual licensing visit with flying colors.

By The Numbers

  • 101 children attended the Child Development Center, an increase from the previous year.

  • 4 events allowed our team members, children, and their families to connect and celebrate with each other.

  • 7 out of 19 of our 2023 Graduates had been enrolled with us since infancy.

  • 100% of families surveyed reported that staff take good care of their child, help them get along with others, and are good teachers.



Students at our Lancaster schools enjoyed adventure education, including our ropes course, horsemanship lessons, and mini-bike programs, helping to build confidence, decision making skills, and trust. At Doctor Franklin Perkins School (DFPS), we are proud to be implementing a variety of fresh food initiatives thanks to MA Fresh Grant funding from the Commonwealth, including raised garden beds and a hydroponic growing system to grow vegetables on site, a cooler to store vegetables from local farms, kitchen equipment to better create and serve healthy meals, and more.

By The Numbers:

  • 226 students attended our special education schools, an 11% increase from last year.

  • DFPS served 68 students in our residential education program.

  • Students come from 102 school districts across the region.

Youth Justice Transformation


The RFK National Resource Center for Juvenile Justice (NRC), in our 10th year, shared several new publications and continued to highlight important topics on our podcast. Interest in our Probation and Youth Justice System Review and Dual Status Youth Reform initiatives, trainings, and specialized work remains high. We continue to work with James Madison University to grow the newly formed Innovation Center for Youth Justice (ICYJ) and support JMU in maintaining internships and a minor in Transformation of Youth Justice.

By the Numbers

  • We provided consultation and training in 21 jurisdictions and the Territory of Guam.

  • We conducted 4 Dual Status Youth Reform Initiatives, 2 of which had special focus on commercially sexually exploited children (CSEC).

  • We released 6 podcast episodes.

Youth Residential Care


Referrals for all youth residential programs remain high. Participants show increasingly acute mental health needs, which we are meeting by growing clinical capacity. Program participants at Johnston Hall and Oatis Children’s Center in Lancaster participated in our adventure education programming, including the Fly Zone ropes course, winter adventure, and mini-bikes. We highlighted Henry, an alumni of The Kennedy School, in a year-end video.

By The Numbers

  • We held 2,800 mental health sessions across our youth residential programs, a 34% increase over the previous year.

  • We served 64 youth in MA Department of Children and Families programs.

  • We served 45 youth in MA Department of Youth Services programs.

  • We served 68 youth through Dr Franklin Perkins School Residential Education.

Stories from Our Programs


Adult Vocational Program

Meet Alexandra, a participant in our Adult Services Vocational Program. Whether she’s baking in the café, or planning with program staff for a future with even more independence, Alexandra brings her caring spirit. Learn about Alexandra’s journey.


Doctor Franklin Perkins School

Meet Aiden, a senior at Doctor Franklin Perkins School. When he’s not playing basketball or working his on-campus job, Aiden is studying, cracking jokes with his classmates, or helping a younger student. Learn about Aiden’s journey.


Legacy Mentoring Program

Meet Anonymous, a graduate of our Legacy Mentoring child sexual exploitation program. She has overcome more than most people can imagine and is focused on conquering her own future with a strong support team. Learn about her journey.

Donor Spotlight

Donato Tramuto

Giving back is in Donato Tramuto’s heart.

In his lifetime, Donato has endured far too many challenges and tragedies. At the age of 8, he endured significant hearing loss in both ears and was often ill due to multiple corrective surgeries. He was bullied in school and felt deeply lonely. As a young adult, he regained his health and hearing and subsequently catapulted up the corporate ladder to become a successful CEO as an adult. But he also lost several family members tragically and what's more, he lost close family friends on one of the September 11th flights, a plane he and his friends were planning to travel together on.

While he navigated the darkest lows of these challenges and tragedies, Donato looked to the wisdom and values of his childhood heroes, Martin Luther King Jr and Robert F. Kennedy. Donato shared that he was inspired that RFK didn’t start as a Civil Rights leader, but that he died as one. In these heroes, Donato saw leadership defined by kindness, compassion, and bravery.

Today, Donato is an author, speaker, and philanthropist, traveling the world to share his story and teach compassionate leadership. Donato shared that he gives back to RFK Community Alliance because at the core of our work is helping young people find inspiration and build their future. His own life was defined by tragedy, but also by family and teachers who believed in him and helped him triumph.

Donato Tramuto

He believes that the heroes of tomorrow won’t be one or two people, but instead groups of young people who band together to inspire and change the world for the better. That youth, just like many of the young people in our care, will gain strength, share their stories, and blaze a future for all.

Since 2017, Donato and his foundations have provided significant support to RFK Community Alliance. Many of his donations have been donated with the intention that we use them where it’s needed most, while many have also come in the form of grants that have supported staff training in trauma informed care and most recently, helped us launch our Achievement in Motion Mentoring program (AIM).

We are proud to count Donato and his husband, Jeff Porter, as friends, partners, and donors, and we were pleased to honor Donato at our 2017 Embracing the Legacy celebration for the ways he embodies the values of RFK (pictured). Donato: Thank you for your love, advocacy, and support.

“This life we live is so temporary. We have a great responsibility to love and help others. Even when I had nothing, I gave something and I did something.”

-Donato Tramuto

Achievement in Motion Mentoring

Program Spotlight

In just its second year of operations, our Achievement in Motion Mentoring Program (AIM), is already making an impact. The program, which has to-date been funded entirely by the generosity of individual and foundation donors, is a voluntary program designed to support and mentor young people who have a history of court involvement and have previously participated in our Detention Diversion Advocacy Program (DDAP) in Western Massachusetts.

Under the leadership of Bianca Frederick, Youth Mentor, and Krystyna Boisjolie, AVP of Community Programs, AIM provides mentorship and coaching to teens and young adults who often have complex trauma histories. It has served 16 young adults to date. The core of this program lies in the mentoring and coaching that each young participant receives. Mentors begin their work by building relationships with the youth and gaining an understanding of goals, strengths, and support needs. Starting with the first goal plan, which is developed collaboratively with each youth, the mentor and mentee define specific objectives related to fostering connections, developing capabilities, maintaining good health, and successfully completing the program.

The mentors and mentees typically meet 1-3 times a week, with more frequent meetings during the initial stages of the program or during challenging periods that require additional support. The ultimate objective is for the young person to become self-reliant as they accomplish their goals and transition into adulthood. Another major goal is to ensure that the young person completes high school or equivalency. The program also offers financial incentives to motivate program participants to achieve their goals, while also laying the groundwork for future financial independence.

We’re proud of our AIM team and love seeing our program participants flourishing.

Diversity and Culture in Action

This year, we ensured that diversity, belonging, inclusion, and equity (DBIE) were at the forefront of making essential decisions and welcoming and guiding every team member. Click the link to see a year in review and hear from our Chief Diversity and Culture Officer, Dr. Jessica Pepple.

2023 Events

Speakers Series

April 2023: The Yellow Tulip Project team, featuring Suzanne Fox(she/her), Co-Founder and Executive Director and Anna Mullen (she/her), YTP Board Member provided insightful tips on how we can each smash the stigma surrounding mental illness and build a community of people who realize that hope happens when youth and community leaders work together.

RFK Community Alliance Open

May 2023: A full field of golfers enjoyed our 19th annual RFK Community Alliance Open at Sterling National Country Club. The weather was gorgeous, and we had a great time! We are proud to report that thanks to the support of many sponsors, we raised almost $90,000.

2024 Open

Fairway for Kids

June 2023: Our 19th annual Fairway for Kids was a huge success, thanks in large part to our partner, Eversource! 130 golfers joined us at Myopia Hunt Club for a beautiful day on the course. We are proud to report that thanks to the generous support of numerous sponsors, we had another amazing year, raising over $345,000.

2024 Fairway

Rodman Ride for Kids

September 2023: 29 people represented and fundraised on behalf of RFK Community Alliance as riders and virtual riders in the 2023 Rodman Ride for Kids. In-person riders encountered some rainy weather but ended the ride with some sun just in time for the after party. Thanks to all the teams, we raised $44,324 and had a blast.

Embracing the Legacy

November 2023: 280 supporters gathered at our Embracing the Legacy celebration at the JFK Library in Boston to remember the legacy of Robert F. Kennedy. There was so much positive energy in the room as we celebrated our 2023 honorees, Andrew Dreyfus, Kristin Henning, and Devin McCourty and were treated to a performance by Lavender Darcangelo. The evening was a big success, and we are humbled and grateful for the generous support of our donors and sponsors. We were in awe that we were able to raise $410,000 for those in our care!

See Photos

Winter Wish

December 2023: Our annual Winter Wish holiday gift drive helped ensure that every child in our care received at least one gift for the holidays. Thanks to your generosity, we raised over $7,500 for gifts or in gift cards. And we received a variety of gifts that included a television, STEM and nature educational kits, and two PlayStation 5s for residences. We are so grateful!

Events Happening Soon 

The events listed here occurred from Jan 1-Dec 30, 2023



Thank you to our


Vincent Alfano
Samuel Bottum
Jay Gregory
Keri DiLeo
Daniel Faneuf

Brian Hanify
Stephanie Hyles
Alice Isenberg
Phil Johnston
Mike Mahan

Jennifer Murphy
Helyn Oatis
Susan Templeton
Tom Wing
Paul Woods

Thank you to


CT Department of Children and Families
CT Department of Education
MA Department of Agricultural Resources
MA Department of Children and Families
MA Department of Developmental Services
MA Department of Early Education and Care
MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
MA Department of Mental Health

MA Department of Youth Services
MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs
MA Executive Office of Health and Human Services
MA Juvenile Court Department
MA Office of Public Safety and Inspections
MA Youth Advocacy Division
NH Department of Education
Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International

Council on Accreditation
National Association for the Education of Young Children
New England Association of Schools and College
Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International

Thank you to


(July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023)


Mary and John J. Boyle, III

Bright Funds Foundation

Cisco Systems

City of Boston

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Eric and Heather Knapp

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

MAXIMUS Foundation


The Progin Foundation

Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights

Rodman For Kids

UMass Memorial Health Alliance-Clinton Hospital

BENEFACTORS $10,000-$24,999


Atlantic Management

The Barbuto Family

Benevity Community Impact Fund

Brophy & Phillips Co., Inc./Cecilia Roddy and Pete Vlaco

J. Calnan & Associates

Emma and Daniel Carpenter

Castle Creek Capital

DCU for Kids

Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation

Entrepreneurial Equity Partners

Daniel Faneuf

Fidelity Institutional Asset Management

Fiera Capital, Inc.

Gardiner Howland Shaw Foundation

Dr. David and Jennifer Geller

The Geraghty Family

GoldenTree Asset Management

Marc and Sharon Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kraft

Louise Davis Halsted Charitable Foundation

Maddie's Mission

MGG Investment Group

Patrick and Nicole Morrissey

Nypro Foundation

Orchard Global


Reliant Foundation

Ridgewood Energy

State Street Global Advisors

TD Charitable Foundation

The Watson Family

James Wilson

PATRONS $5,000-$9,999

Acadian Asset Management LLC

ACT Leasing

Aegis Retirement Partners

Aksia, LLC

American Century Investments

Michael W. Ames and Susan Kilroy-Ames

Anonymous (4)

Arrow Global

Arsenal Capital Partners

Asia Alternatives Management

Charles and Alison Batchelder

Steve and Joan Belkin

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

Boston Trust Walden Company

Brynwood Partners

Tom and Sharon Burke

Patrick and Sarah Cammarata

Anna Clementi

Susan Cobb and Joshua Tolson

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Michael and Monica Connolly

Connor, Clark, & Lunn Financial Group, Ltd

The Doug Flutie Jr., Foundation For Autism Inc.

Enterprise Bank


Fairview Capital Partners, Inc.

Christopher Ford

Fred C. Church Insurance Agency

Global Alpha Capital Management

Granahan Investment Management

Income Research & Management

Jennison Associates

Phil and Beverly Johnston

Leonard, Mulherin & Greene

Lillian A. Luksis Charitable Giving Fund

Loomis Sayles & Company

Peter and Susan Maguire

Mesirow Financial

MidOcean Partners

John Montgomery

Morgan Stanley

Munroe Morrow Wealth Management

Jen and Jim Murphy

Neuberger Berman, LLC

New England Pension Consultants

Parametric Portfolio Associates, LLC

Passaic Partners, LLC

Payden & Rygel Investment Management

Jackie and Stephen Peck

Pharmakon Advisors

Putnam Investments

Raytheon Company

Rhino Capital Advisors, LLC

Rubin & Rudman

Elizabeth Rush

Nathan Sanders

Schwab Charitable Fund

The Schwartz Charitable Foundation

Segall, Bryant & Hamill

Serengeti Asset Management

Silver Creek Advisory Partners, LLC

The Sooner Foundation

Stockdale Capital Partners

Tenaya Capital

TramutoPorter Foundation

Turning Rock Partners

Michael and Diane Umholtz

Universa Investments, L.P.

Valor Equity Partners

Voya Investment Management

Warren Equity Partners

Westport Capital Partners, LLC

Worcester State University

SUPPORTERS $1,000-$4,999

Adobe Employee Community Fund

Shari Agatstein

Linda Alger

American Business Equipment

Richard and Heather Ames

Avidia Bank

Barkan Management

Bemis Community Investment Fund of the Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts

Bolton Community Fund

De'Porres and Lesia Brightful

Brown & Brown of Massachusetts

Laura and David Burke

Robert Byrne

Robert and Sheila Caruso

Charity Golf International

CIBC Asset Management

Citizens Energy

Clinton Cultural Council

Thomas and Victoria Collins

Mr. Linzee Coolidge

Kyle Copeland

Peter Cowenhoven


Michael Crowther

Matt Daniels

Diamond Technologies, Inc.

Fred Di Spirito and Mitsa Ouroumis

DMH Electrical Contractors

Draper Laboratory Contributions Program

Jennifer Dudley

William Duffy

Richard Dutton and Susan Swain

Eastern Real Estate

W. Albert Ellis and Anne-Seymour St. John

Enterprise Holdings Foundation

David and Susie Fairchild

Families Facing Addiction

FAO Schwarz Family Foundation

Chris Farias

Nick Fenuccio

Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC

The Fieldstone Foundation, Inc.

Matthew and Dave Freitas

Michael Frisoli

Rebecca and Philip Garside

Antonio Giorgio

Greater Worcester Community Foundation

Kat and Tim Gregor

Jay Gregory and Valerie D'Astous

Hon. Leslie and Mrs. Beverly Harris

Harry Grodsky & Co., Inc.

Holland & Knight


James Monroe Wire and Cable Corporation

Jeff John

Kaestle Boos Associates, Inc.

John and Carol Kanis

The Katz Family

The Key Program Inc.

Jeremy Kindall

Peter and Vicki Krupp

Henry C. Larsen Jr. and Sharon Larsen

James and Carolyn Leary

Leominster Credit Union

Erik Lien

Live Life Fully Foundation

Loring Wolcott & Coolidge Trust

Gerard and Grace Loughran

Joseph Loughran

Sean Loughran

Christopher and Jennifer Luisa

Eric and Michelle Macaux

Gina Matarazzo

Bridget and Gregory Matte

Joseph McDonald

Thomas, Cheryl, Lexie, and Jay McDonald

Angela Moncrief


Peter and Jean Noonan

Beatrice M. Oakley

Origami Capital Partners

Petco Love Foundation

Peterman Architects

Don and Felicia Riffelmacher

Mary and William Ritter

Road to College

Rockwell Roofing

Rollstone Bank & Trust

Ronald M. Ansin Foundation

Scalora Consulting Group

Ms. Cindy Schlessinger and Mr. Jeffrey H. Ellowitz

Timothy Sherman

Justin Smith

Alan and Susan Solomont

Peter and Stephanie Stanton

Marylou Sudders and Bradley Richardson

Superior Plus Propane

Todd and Julie Tallman

TD Bank

UMass Memorial Health Care

United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley

Vanguard Charitable

Victoria Marvelle Cowenhoven Fund for Children

Catherine and Michael Welch

Linda M. Williams

Tom and Cindy Wing

Workers Credit Union

Steven D. Young

SPONSORS $500- $999

Air & Energy Services, Inc.

American Endowment Foundation

Anonymous (2)

The Architectural Team, Inc.

Puneeta Arya

Richard and Andrea Bachini

Kyle Bertoli

Bloom Cohen Hayes, LLC

Bolger Family Fund

Dr. Roger Breitbart

Todd Brown

Kate, Mark, and James Cannon

The Chiofaro Company

Clinton Savings Bank

Michael and Ellen Clisham

Thomas Conroy

Cumulus Media

Dave Degou

Fidelity Bank

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Forbes

Friends of Ed Flynn

John Haffey

Warren and Marilyn Hollinshead

IC Federal Credit Union

Alice and Phillip Isenberg

Chantal Jordan and Blaine French

Kennedy Lewis Investment Management

Timothy and Kathleen Leahy

Jed and Jennifer Leighfield

David Littlefield

Kim Godfrey Lovett

Don Lowe and Elizabeth Holland

Robert and Marion Mahar

Jennifer and James Malloy

John Margeson

Richard McGrail

Carol and Ben Mueller

Daniel Paul Mulhern

N&K Lancaster, LLC

New York Life Foundation

The Norberg Family

Patrick Ahearn Architect


Barry Reis

Richard C. Bardi & Associates, LLC

Jason Sammarco

Enzo Scalora

SKE Angel Fund Foundation

Edwin and Katharine Smith

Spadafore Oil & Energy

David Stadtherr

Nancy and Kjartan Stefansson

Summit Distributing, LLC

TCom Networks, LLC

Paul Winnick

FRIENDS $150-$499

Stephanie Adaramola

Amazon Smile

Andrew and Wendy Ames

Charles and Kathleen Ames

Andreoli Insurance Agency, Inc.

Anonymous (2)

Ayco Charitable Foundation

Michael and Hillary Azzoni

Jane Baker


Craig and Marcia Barnes

The Behling Family

Robert Bissen

Mona and Donald Blanchard

Michael Bolger

Brian Boyle

Daniel Brindisi

Matthew Bucci

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Burbage

Jeff Cameron

Walter Campbell

Michael and Mary Rose Cherrone

Karen Cheyney and Scott Rebhun

Clinton Offset Printers

Dr. Charles P. Conroy

Theresa Conti

Charles Cooney

Creative Print Products

Bill and Liz Crowley

Crown Linen Service

Lisa Cukier

Deborah Dawson

Irving J. and Evelyn V. DeToro

Penelope Dey

Keri DiLeo

Darrel and Ellen Donaldson

Charles and Karen Douglas

Paul L. Ducharme

Duvarney Jewelers

Alison Eichmann and Ergon Gjika

The Enman Family

Joseph M. Erickson

Philip J. Eugene

Evans on the Common


Jennifer Flanagan and Craig Long

Rick and Terri Freeman - Keller Williams

Wendy Gaton

Gibson Farms - Midtown Meats

Jennifer Giniewicz

Give with Liberty Employee Donations

Layne Gregory

John Grossman

George Guarin

Tanya Gurge

The Francolini Family

Realer and Charles Hamilton

Hannaford Bloomin' 4 Good Program

Lisa C. Harrington

Julie A. Haskell

Steve and Stephanie Hilliger

David Hollingsworth

Dana Hollinshead and Todd Gill

H. Kay & Kyle Howard

James and Ellen Hurley

Donald and Diane Kafafian

Dieter and Bernice Kaiser

Robert and Kathleen Kenney

Law Office of Sally L. Adams

Naomi and Drew LeBlanc

Lorna C. Mack

Anthony Macsata

Kevin and Una Mahar

The Mantha Family

Marcus, Errico, Emmer & Brooks, P.C.

Erin and John Martin

Ariane and Christian McMahan

McNally Funeral Home

Deborah Meagher

Carolina Menendez

Merrill & McGeary

Metro Boston Cleaning & Maintenance

MetroWest Community Federal Credit Union

Giovanna Mischtschenko

Erin Mistry

Philip and Nancy Muscatello

New England Biolabs, Inc.

New England Fancy Guppy Association

Allison Nieves

John Oakley and Margaret Hammond

Jack and Carleen O'Brien

One Stop Fun

Penny Outlaw

Nancy Paddol

Ann and Hank Paszko

Heather Pellegrino

Dr. Bruce H. Price

Prime Touch Services, Inc.

Jesse Redlener

Robert and Laurie Reed

Michael Refojo

Douglas J. Reid and Patricia O'Malley-Reid

Sheryl Rubin

Tammy and Richard Sarnelli

Jessica Sawyer

Harold and Linda Schwartz

Sean's Auto Repair

Tammy Sege-Adede

Susan and John Serino

Joseph and Sara Shacter

Leigh Shanny

SRC Sales, Inc.

Tracy Tallman


Walker Consultants

Pat and Bob Walrath

Wave Lengths Pro Audio

White Hawk Alarm and Security

Whitney Brothers Oil Co.

The Wilkinson Companies

Williams Financial Group

Mr. Walter A. Wright III and Mrs. Betty Wright

Raymond and Pat Wysocki

Your Cause

Robert Zimmerman

PARTNERS $1-$149

Adam Charest Painting Co.

Lissette Alvarez

Will Andronico, Jr.


Katie and Matt Antonell

Edna J. Arsenault

Jim and Mary Barclay

Emanual Bardanis

Mary Barneby

Beth Barto

Laurie Baum and Riccardo Heald

Jill Beck

Jeffrey Besselman

Rebecca M. Bevilacqua

Hannah Bloch

John Bonnewitzcoffey

Christopher and Maureen Bottino

Bryana Boudreau-Sacino

Halle Bradshaw

Dianne Cabelus Braley and Jason Braley

Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah P. Breen

Matthew Brooks

Patricia Brooks

Matthew Buxton

Elizabeth Byerly and Rachel Styles

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cambus

Rick Cande

Donald E. Carey

Brian Carnes

Carpe Diem Stables

Kelly Carr

Wilfredo Carrasquillo

Stephen Cataldo

Peter Clark

John Claussen

Shannon Cleveland

Barry and Julie Cohen

Krista Coletti

June Colvin

Lauren Cook

Ryan Cope

Gavin Corcoran

Ellen Correa

Andrea Croak and Lucas Cannon

Phillip and Jacqueline D'Agostino

The Daily Bagel

Dana and Jay Jussaume

Jacqueline DeFrancesco

Judith Dein

Martha Delano and Marc Morin

Deb Deldotto

Joan P. DeLorey

PARTNERS $1-$149 (continued)

James DePaolo

The Dolan Family

Bruce and Mary Donald

Charles Donovan

Charles Doucette

Amy DoVale

Daniel Driscoll

Ann and Sean Dunphy

Ms. Patricia Sullivan Elder

Mirna Eusebio Lithgow

Barbara Foster

Kevin Gabel

Laura Gabino

Kelli Galligan

Robert Galvin

Gisele Gauthier

General Mills

Shanna Gershman

Debbie Gibbons

Kara Gibson

H. William and Nancy Gregory

Ms. Jan Gregory-Charpentier

Ann E. Griffin Esq. and John W. Gregory

Joseph Guay & Family

Shayna Harper

Brendan Hart

Nancy Healey

Myles F. and Patrice K. Heffernan

Nan Heighton

Thomas and Carole Hemnes

James and Debra Hession

Allison Hill

Luke Hilton

The Hosie Family

Charles W. Hughes, Sr

George and Mary Hutt

Barbara Irving and Lindsay Byrne

Patricia B. James

Barry and Julianne Johnston

Barbara Coyte Jordan

Karen Jordan

Lauren Kane

Koehler Books

Ara and Heather Krafian

Larry Krupp

Michael Kusmin

Amanda LaFave

Lancaster Gardens

Jack Leonard

Ron and Ami Letourneau

Klondie and Greg Liimatainen

Joel S. Loitherstein and Karen Spilka

Randall W. Lott

Lisa Lovett and Julie Reuben

Deborah Lucas

Alex Lumb

Kenneth and Mary MacLean

Pam Mancini

Kara Mannion

Anthony and Jennifer Marchesiani

Erika Mark

Lindsay Maule

John and Britt McAvoy

Sue McCombs

Paul and Denise McGown

Ruth Milesky

Jessica Moberg

DeAnna Mori

Mully's Indoor Golf Lounge

Casey Murtagh

Kimberly Nadeau

Bala Nair

Peter Charles Necheles and Marlissa S. Briggett

Network for Good

Michael Norris

Northeast Security, Inc.

Old Silver Strategies

Francess Osidi

Derek Padon

Valorie Parent

Justin Pasquariello

Richard Pearson

Mary and James Perreira

Anastasia Caras Policastro

Dwight Porter

Edward Porter

Protective Services, Inc.

Collin Reik

Annie Reiser

Libby Richardson

Sandra Roth

Susan Rounds

Nicole Sardella

Jenna and Justin Saunders

James and Kelley Silva

Andrew Sindell

Kwabena Sintim-Damoa

Nancy Skowronski

Todd and Suzanne Sliker

Janet Smith-Flaherty

Sarah P. Spencer

Leslie and Renée St. Jean

David Stolow

Justin Stone

Brendan Sullivan

Sabrina Tavalone

Amanda and Dylan Teater

Dawn Tesini

Abigail Thaxter

Sue Thompson

Karen Tsoukalas

Eugene and Diane Turra

Allison Ucci

Ronan Venier

Helen Ventouris

Sophie Wadsworth and Bruce Morgan

Michael and Janet Weinberg

Benjamin Weitz

Nathan White

The White Family

Karen Wilfrid and John Pelletier

Toby and Susan Williams

Danielle Wohlenberg

Thomas and Bridie Wolejko

Francis S. and Carole Wyman


Jamie Adams

Cherie Ansin

Katie and Matt Antonell

Avidia Bank

Tara Basta

Belmont A.M.E. Zion Church

Paula Berg

Bolton Orchards

Bob's Discount Furniture

Boston Red Sox

BJ's Wholesale Club

The Chiofaro Company

Clintons Bar & Grille

Costco Wholesale

Barbara Coulon

Cumulus Media

Cyprian Keyes Golf Club

Miles Devlin

Rosemary Donnolly

W. Albert Ellis and Anne-Seymour St. John

Susan Fly

Liz Fontaine

Michael Geary

Idylwilde Farms

Phil & Beverly Johnston

The Learning Express

Leominster Credit Union

Liz Little

Corinne Mackie

Market Basket

Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation 

Memorial Congregational Church

Carol and Ben Mueller

Mully's Indoor Golf Lounge

Jen and Jim Murphy

Not Your Average Joes

Hasting Pedersen

Janet Pesaturo

Roche Bros. Supermarkets

Rockwell Roofing

Rodman For Kids

Bob Rosadini

Reta Rupich

Shaw's Supermarket

Leigh Shanny

SKE Angel Fund Foundation

SmartBear Software


Danielle Spicier

Suzanne Sprague

State Street Global Advisors

Sterling National Country Club

Stop & Shop


Trader Joe's

The Watson Family


WHDH-TV, Channel 7

Tom and Cindy Wing

Elaine Wu


Eleana Leash Aoyama

Christine J. Barbuto

Jacob Ethan Burdett

Janet Conroy

Jason Farias

Mary Hilton

Tyler James

Betty Kolb Laning

Robby Mahar

Henry A. Paszko

Dr. Kwame Sintim-Damoa


Scott Alfano

Linda Alger

Richard and Heather Ames

Martha Beebe

Steve and Joan Belkin

Karen Cheyney

Alex Galligan-Kuntupis


Dana Hollinshead

Ilze Keegan

Keegan McMahan

Shauna Mulvihill

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